When making content for a brand, illustrations can be a dynamic way to represent their voice and personality. From a pencil to a sketch book, forms these illustrations. All in which are represented throughout Kaysthetics!

triangles to separate each section of web page

Heart lollipop illustration

Heart lollipop

Adobe illustrator,

Avocado illustration

Hand made illustration

Prismacolor pencils, Adobe photoshop

Logo elementfor a sock company pronounced Banana board

Adobe llustrator

Digital drawing of switzerland using only peach colorsSwitzerland-Home of Lindt Chocolate

Adobe Photoshop

a logo called Palm springs for boxed water companyMonstera Leaf

Adobe Photoshop

Succulent drawing, drawn with pencil crayons Succulent

Prismacolour pencils, on 8.5 by 11 paper.

triangles to separate each section of web page