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About me

A picture of me

My name is

Shay Sashcov and I am a professional graphic and web designer based in Montreal, the city of lights. For the past 3 years, I have been interacting with the design world creating interesting graphic elements, promotional pieces and illustrations for important clients.

Before GWD

When I was in high school I always wanted to become an artist, but some of us have a tough path, I had to figure out how to make it more profitable and enjoyable, then I discovered graphic and web design. In that way, I can truly speak out through my design and show the world what I can do. To become an artist like me, isn’t just a profession but a passion.

My style

As of my pieces, I like to include everything, I am a multi style type of graphic designer. I want to involve classic and modern at the same time, rough and clean, drawings and photographs. Breaking the rules seem inconvenient in this kind of job but when you mix it well you will get a masterpiece!