

I'm striving to make a fantastic career out of following my passions, surrounding myself with inspiring people and making the most of each day.

Photo by @Drowster
Photo by @Drowster


I'm currently completing a Graphic & Web Design DEC at John Abbott College and will graduate in May 2017. I recently got accepted to the Bachelor's of Fine Arts at Concordia University with a Design Major. I am excited to learn about 3D design.

I decided to start graphic design because, amongst other things, I have always been fascinated the creativity behind the world's most famous brands. Paul Rand, Armin Hoffman, David Carson. I told myself that one day I could create in my own way.


Photography is a passion I discovered in the last years. I fell in love with being able to capture moments (or simply visuals) exactly the way I want to.

In the last decade, I had the chance to travel to Europe, Asia and elsewhere in North America. My ultimate goal is to visit every region of the world to document and capture the beauty in all its forms.

I have a wide range of capabilities spanning from architectural and interior photography to product and lifestyle photography.


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