

My name is Rana Skaik. SkaikDesign is the official brand name used in any business related contracts and different communications. I have always had a passion for drawing, organizing and making stuff look good. I pursued design as a hobby and never thought it’s possible to pursue it professionally. I came into John Abbott College and went into the science program, not knowing about the “Career Programs” section which had the program I’ve been looking for.

I switched after a semester in science after a girl in my English class who introduced me to it. I was amazed by all the open doors this field had. Design is very wide so it doesn’t limit the designer from choosing and changing every once in a while. As a designer, I think we’re still going to be considered as learners even if we are educators because devices, trends and tools keep changing all the time. Keeping up with what’s new is a very valuable skill.

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my work!