Cassandra Luponio

Montreal Graphic & Web Designer

About Me

cassandra luponio logo

Hi! My name is Cassandra Luponio, I'm a Montreal based Graphic and Web Designer. I've always been interested in the arts, it has been a great way for me to decompress while still being creative. When I found out about this program I was immediately drawn to it. Being able to use one of my hobbies and turn it into a tangible career was a promising future.

Three years later and it's still one of the smartest choices I've made for myself. I enjoy all aspects of design whether it be poster and advertising design, more illustration centric work or even website UI/UX design. There are some things I enjoy more than others because they come easier to me, but I'm always up for a challenge. I might not be the most experienced designer, but I'm a very hard worker and I always put my all into projects.

My Ambitions after Stage

My plans right now are to take a year off school following my college graduation. I want to take a year to focus on working full-time. Whether that be with a company or as a freelance designer. Once that year is up I will continue my schooling to get a degree in graphic design. I will begin working full-time after receiving my university degree.

Feel free to reach out via my contact page!