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Our story

The idea of CaliNova began as a seed of an idea, born from frustration. Creator Simon Golden was like many people, tired with being offered the same unhealthy choices from fast food restaurants. Fresh, un-processed, healthy, and wholesome food. That's what Simon wanted to see, and even more so wanted to eat. Hungry for change in the restaurant industry, Catherine researched, developed and designed the concept behind Calinova. It became a restaurant with one thing in mind: healthy eating. With the help of top chefs , they developed a menu involving a limited number of healthier, fresh ingredients used to create a variety of meal options for everyone.

Now under new ownership, Catherine Bonin is carrying that concept one step further. We at Calinova want to make a difference in the world. We want to offer you a galaxy of choices in what you eat. We also want to connect you to your food by bringing it back to the basics. Fresh produce, minimal processing, and delicious meals everyone can eat with confidence, knowing they are nourishing your body and mind. At the same time, we want to bring better understanding of how important good food is everyday life and proper development. You're busy, but that doesn't mean you have to compromise anything. You can still get healthy, delicious food. It is one step out of the grocery store.

Today, we offer a calm and relaxed environment and serve excellent quality, fresh cooked meals. Also, our restaurant is so full of passion that it is hard to not be intrigued by it. We have worked extremely hard for this resataurant and we hope it shows through the superbe food quality.

Join our team

Want to be part of an amazing group of caring and outgoing people? We are always looking for passionate, driven individuals to join our team, engage guests, and celebrate veggies for the vibrant colors, flavors, vitality and energy they provide. Our guests expect a great experience at Veggie Grill, and we depend on each and every team member to create that exceptional experience for all guests on every visit.

Our brand is always searching for new and dynamic employes so feel free to apply now!

500 Terry Francois St.  San Francisco, CA 94158

Monday – Friday  07:00AM – 10:00PM
Saturday    09:00AM – 10:00PM
Sunday    08:00PM –11:00PM

Tel: 123-456-7890 Email: