Antonio Gonzalez C. – What’s Next? Graphic Web Design

About me

My name is Antonio Gonzalez Campeau and I am 20 years old. When I entered the Graphic and Web Design program at John Abbott I was unsure of what program or career path I wanted to take. Now in my third year of GWD, I’m still uncertain of what I want to do. I don’t know why I chose GWD and some might say it was a waste of time but I disagree. I’ve learnt so much through this program and I don’t regret any of the choices I’ve made.


Throughout my 3 years in Graphic & Web design, I’ve learnt so many valuable skills. I’ve learnt so much about Adobe’s Creative cloud programs, HTML, CSS, print, animation, photography, marketing/business and so much more. So many useful skills and techniques that have influenced me as a designer.

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