I produce Graphic Design work for friends, families and, companies who need it. Photoshop, Illustrator and, InDesign are my 3 main software to do work. My specialties are to improve existing designs and keep clients satisfied with their work being better. I receive photos from clients, and I edit them using photoshop to add effects and make them more realistic. I also make logos and business cards for companies and businesses who need them a lot. I use InDesign to make posters, booklets and, other cool designs for friends so they can start a business for their interests. My interest as a designer is to provide them all the support. My other interest is to be a freelance designer so I can also help clients and help myself as well to achieve the ability to use other software. That way, I can offer a wide variety of help. My ambitions are to be a good graphic designer in having skills in using a lot of the Adobe software so I can have the ability to master more than 3 software at once. My other ambition is to gain experience in being a skilled coder as well so I can make websites for clients who require it. What inspired me to be a graphic designer and to go down this path is Saul Bass. I’ve seen all the work he has done, and I gained motivation out of it and was determined to be a designer like him in making vector animated posters about movies.
Link to Portfolio: https://graphicandwebdesign.ca/current-grads/harishan-mahendran/
Link to my Linkedin Profile: https://www.linkedin.com/in/harishan-mahendran-845253205/