Jonathan Thériault: Graphic & Web Designer

Photoshopped Self Portrait, ©Jon Thériault 2017
Photoshopped and create a cracked effect on my self portrait

Vectorized Self Portrait, ©Jon Thériault 2018 
Completely vectorized self portrait.
Photoshopped Self Portrait, ©Jon Thériault 2017    –    Vectorized Self Portrait, ©Jon Thériault 2018

What I see in the mirror

My name is Jonathan Thériault, and I am a people-person, optimist, and creative thinker. My crazy mind and positively inspiring attitude are strong assets I hold. As a designer; I make it my dedication to fully deliver the best possible work that I can provide. I am a Graphic and Web Designer.

Education and Skillset

After completing a stage that lasted for 2 months in the summer of 2019, and having nearly completed my full degree in Graphic & Web Design, I have developed many skills and practices that are essential for professional design. I am currently a full time employee at King Canada working as a Graphic designer. I have had great opportunities every day to face many difficult challenges during the months that I have been working here. Every day is a learning experience and another day to improve myself as a designer in the working fields.

As a Graphic & Web Designer I have a strong understanding of both Photoshop and Illustrator. I am constantly learning new programs such as QuarkXpress while improving my skills and abilities with other programs such as Excel and InDesign.

As a result, this shows my ability and willingness to learn new things and be able to effectively create brand new innovative ideas.

In addition, I hold appropriate skills in both HTML and CSS. I have a very large interest in coding websites. Continue reading “Jonathan Thériault: Graphic & Web Designer”