Who is Natasha Witwicki? Social Media Branding & Marketing Designer

Product pictures taken by Natasha Witwicki
Examples of my own product pictures.
© Natasha Witwicki, 2018

Hi there! My name is Natasha Witwicki. You already knew this, but I’m a third year graphic design student studying at JAC. I’m always up to something creative, whether it be drawing (both traditional and digital), photography, photoshop, or one of many niche art forms such as resin decoden. I love trying new creative things, seeing my aesthetic pop in whatever I decide to do. 

My Experience

I have LOTS of experience in social media branding and marketing, as well as e-commerce. You wouldn’t know unless I told you since I’m a very shy, reserved person… but I have a small business that I’ve grown online with over 1 million followers.

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