About Me
Hello there!
My name is Malcolm Graham, and I am a student currently studying Graphic and Web Design at John Abbott College.
In the Graphic and Web Design course, I am currently attending my last semester. Since this is a 3-year career program, the final semester includes a three-week work placement or stage.
I’m looking for a stage as a graphic designer and/or illustrator. I’m available for full-time work for over at least the summer, but I do plan on furthering my studies in the fields of illustration and animation. Ideally, having a job somewhere in downtown Montreal would be best, especially if it ties in to illustration/animation in some way. Once I begin classes again, I would still like to be able to work part-time between classes to earn some money on the side.
Despite my current interests, I am always open to new opportunities. Even if the job doesn’t meet my ideal scenario, I am very flexible. As long as I play to my strengths, I won’t have any issues performing to the best of my abilities. I’m good at keeping optimistic and keeping my cool in a lot of scenarios. I also don’t have a hard time adapting to new environments or workplaces since I’m always open to trying new things.
If you would like to see some of my work, you can click here to check out my web portfolio. You can also check out my page on the community blog if you would like.
In case you’re interested in hiring me, you can contact me through my website, or check out my account on LinkedIn. If not, I appreciate the time you took to check out my work anyway. Maybe you know someone else who’s looking for a graphic designer/illustrator with my skills?
I hope to hear from you soon!