– If it Doesn’t Change You?

Broken Tiles Mosaic Wall – Works by Gaudi.
My name is Kyra Claire Deita and I’m a “Think Outside the Box” – Designer. It’s the stories of the people I meet, and the places I’ve been, that become the inspirations of my work. For me, it’s not enough for design “to be pretty”; design needs to “make sense”, needs to bring value, and needs to have purpose. Design needs to do more than simply exist; it has to “Do Something”, and that is how I wield the art; that is how I find solutions.
The Journey Here
I did the very thing, not many are willing to do. I started over. I found myself in an office creating design work in Word; mind you it looked GOOD! (- My past self would say). At the same time those around me tasked with design, would often require my help. Where they had the technical knowledge, I had the creative vision; and so there I was working with designers on how things should be laid out and where we could improve. The time eventually came when I had to make a decision; to continue in the direction of my major or take a completely different path. I chose the latter. My time in the Graphic & Web Design Program at John Abbott has provided me with the tools and skill set to finally work alongside designers; only this time around, as a true designer myself.
Finding New & Creative ways to Achieve a Better End Result…
Whether it’s Branding, Logo Design, Packaging, Illustrations, Infographics, Photography, Photo Editing, Advertising, Poster Design, or Social Media; I enjoy the creative process that goes into developing the visual communications used to reach a client’s targeted audience; be it for web or print. I relish in helping to shape or create the content that fits with a company’s identity, vision, message, voice, and marketing strategy.
Overall Plans
As a student transitioning from the AEC to the DEC program, I have one more course to take in winter of 2020 to complete my degree. After stage, I hope to find full-time employment in the summer and fall, as well as part-time during the winter months while finishing off my studies. The ultimate end goal for me is to explore opportunities that will build my experience in the field, work and grow with a company where my skills can be of service and where I can continue to make Meaningful Design.