Create A Pattern In Illustrator

A rectangle in Adobe Illustrator with a blue star pattern fill.
© Brittany Horvath 2019

A quick and simple guide to using the Pattern tool in Adobe Illustrator for creating beautiful patterns for backgrounds, textiles, packaging and more!

Steps for creating a simple pattern:

  • Open a new letter sized document (8.5 x 11)
  • Create the shape or illustration that you wish to make a pattern out of.
  • Select the shape, and go to Object->Pattern->Make.
A blue star shape in Adobe Illustrator
© Brittany Horvath 2019
  • Edit your pattern in the way that looks right for you, then press Done. Your pattern has now become a swatch, which you can use as a fill or border on any shape.
The swatches panel in Adobe Illustrator with a new pattern swatch
© Brittany Horvath 2019

TIP: You can edit your patterns any time by double clicking on the swatch 🙂

  • Select the object you wish to use your pattern on, select the pattern the Swatches panel, and you’re done!
A rectangle in Adobe Illustrator with a blue star pattern fill.
© Brittany Horvath 2019

Author: Brittany Horvath

Current 3rd-year Graphic and Web Design student at John Abbott College. Aspiring to work in advertising for the fashion industry in the future.

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