Single Point Perspective In Photography

Single Point Perspective photo of the Sainte-Anne-De-Bellevue boardwalk at dusk
Photo of the Sainte-Anne-De-Bellevue boardwalk at dusk
©Zac Taillefer, 2019

Single point perspective photography is an image with leading lines running from the edges of an image leading away from the viewer, creating a sense of depth. These lines lead to a single vanishing point. This is a perfect example of single point perspective in photography.

Backstory on the photo

We see the railing lead to the vanishing point, along with the boardwalk, to the centre of the image. This image was taken in Sainte-Anne-De-Bellevue at 5:15 am. The photographer was attempting to capture the sun rising over the river. However, there was too much cloud coverage to get a decent photo. It turned out to be one of the most disappointing shoots to date. Despite the bad weather conditions, there were still good photos that were captured. At around 6:30 am, as the sun started to come up on the horizon, something interesting happened to the light. It was a mix of a dark blue with golden highlights. As 7am rolled around, the sun was covered by the clouds and the moment to shoot was gone. The photographer went home and went back to bed, exhausted.

Author: Zac Taillefer

Zac Taillefer is a graphic design student at John Abbott College. His main focus is photography and web design.

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