Antonio Gonzalez C. – What’s Next? Graphic Web Design

About me

My name is Antonio Gonzalez Campeau and I am 20 years old. When I entered the Graphic and Web Design program at John Abbott I was unsure of what program or career path I wanted to take. Now in my third year of GWD, I’m still uncertain of what I want to do. I don’t know why I chose GWD and some might say it was a waste of time but I disagree. I’ve learnt so much through this program and I don’t regret any of the choices I’ve made.


Throughout my 3 years in Graphic & Web design, I’ve learnt so many valuable skills. I’ve learnt so much about Adobe’s Creative cloud programs, HTML, CSS, print, animation, photography, marketing/business and so much more. So many useful skills and techniques that have influenced me as a designer.

I’ve learnt so much about Adobe’s Creative cloud programs, HTML, CSS, print, animation, photography, marketing/business and so much more. So many useful skills and techniques that have influenced me as a designer.

phy, marketing/business and so much more. So many useful skills and techniques that have influenced me as a designer.

For those who are unsure of what they want to pursue. Be sure to check out what John Abbott’s Graphic and Web Design program has to offer. Click the link to see if it peaks your interests,


Although I don’t have much experience apart from school assignments/projects I make up for it with hard work and dedication. I’ve mostly worked on photo editing in Lightroom CC and some work in Photoshop for friends and family and some personal edits for myself.

What’s Next?

I’m still uncertain with what I want to do either go to university, enter the workforce or something completely different. What I am certain of is that GWD has opened my view on how many options there are available to me and that I need to find what interests me. I can say with certainty that even though I don’t know what I want to do I have hope that I’ll find what I’m looking for.

Author: Antonio Gonzalez Campeau

I'm a Montreal-based graphic designer looking for experience and opportunities to showcase my skills. I'm fluent in Adobe CC programs and puts a lot of effort and dedication into working on projects. I am a team player and love the opportunity to be able to meet and work with others.

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