Cristina DeLuca Through the [Lens] Glass

vibrant colour 1950s style photography of a girl in a diner
Electrifying © Cristina DeLuca, 2019

An overview of who I am, and who I aspire to be

When I came into graphic and web design at John Abbott College, I knew one thing for sure; I was going to work for Vogue one day. Magazine layout design is what I was made for. And then in my second year at Abbott, I had a photography class and the lines became blurred.

“It’s no use going back to yesterday, because I was a different person then.”

Alice in Wonderland, Lewis Carroll

Now, I absolutely love photography and post-processing. I’m underdeveloped, but I want to grow and learn. I want to gain creativity and individuality all while keeping up with current trends and staying relevant. I like to work with people who are in that same mindset or who can help me figure it all out.

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