Anastasia Wright: Eager and Willing Designer Extraordinaire

© Anastasia Wright, 2019.

If There was an Award for the Most Indecisive Person

Graphic design wasn’t an immediate choice for me when considering options to study, however, I did know that I wanted to utilize my creativity in some way. I considered traditional media, like drawing, painting, etc, but there’s always the question of stability. Yes, it would be fulfilling creatively, but as a perfectionist I couldn’t see myself thriving longterm.

Design started to make a lot of sense. Finding a balance between joy and practicality is my goal in life regarding many aspects, so this fell in line with that quite easily. With that being said; here I am.

Have You Made up Your Mind?

I am someone who is extremely driven by visuals and that deeply affects my view of the world and how I interpret my surroundings. In my time studying graphic design I’ve truly allowed myself to become immersed in something I’m passionate about. I don’t have a strong preference towards digital or printed media; so in that regard I’m not picky.

I don’t fully know what I want out of a career, to be honest. I do know, however, that I want to work. I’ve been in school for many years at this point, and although it was worth it in the end, I’m ready to move on to the work field.

Within the Next Year

Ideally, as mentioned above, I’d like to see myself working full-time once I graduate from CEGEP in May. Right now I’m working part-time as a cashier at a grocery store, and I’m more than willing to accept an upgrade doing what I love. I’m incredibly excited to start and I eagerly await any opportunities that come knocking.

Author: Anastasia Wright

My name's Anastasia Wright. I'm a Montreal native with a passion for all things cute and design related. My world revolves around pleasing my ocular senses.

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