Ryan Girvan – Heaved into Deep End Please Help

Photo from photography course – ©Ryan Girvan 2018

My name is Ryan Girvan and I am eager to join the workforce as a graphic designer. I have spent my last 3 years at John Abbott College in the Graphic and Web Design program, trying to figure out what I would like to do when the time comes for graduation.

My Experience

What I Did

I have a good amount of experience drawing, illustrating and photo editing. My experience drawing has lead me to see and try many different areas. There have been a couple I particularly enjoyed such as anime and the middle ages art styles.

What I Want To Do

I then turn my drawings into illustrations on the computer and bring them to life. I also have some experience with photo editing making business cards and birthday cards mainly. Doing all of this has lead me to realize that I can draw and recreate anything that I can imagine and my imagination is expanding every day. I also have come to enjoy creating layouts as well as UX/UI design for the web.

Once I graduate I will be seeking a long term graphic design position. I am always looking to grow my skillset and this is no different. I want to also refine the skillset I already have to be the best I can so I can further my aspirations as a designer.


Ultimately my goal is to become the designer for gaming teams. I would like to build a team and a business where we help gaming teams build their brand and help them show themselves off. That way they get to focus on playing. We will make them look good while they play good. My goal for right now is to build my career and skillset as a graphic designer so that I can achieve my goals.

Author: Ryan Girvan

I always use my skillset the best I can on any given project. I am a firm believer in doing the job right the first time around so it does not need to be done again. I am ready to apply my skillset to your company as well.

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