Audrey Fauteux: The Present, the Future and my Goals

Lay out Design: Instagram Manual
© Audrey Fauteux, 2018

The present

As I am completing my final year in Graphic and Web Design at John Abbott College, a lot of decisions are to be made. I need to decide between going to university or simply to start working in the field. I choose to continue my studies to university in marketing. For now, I am focusing on completing my portfolio which will be important to present to stage hosts as well as for the upcoming 2019 vernissage.

I am currently working part-time in a restaurant as a waitress. I would appreciate the opportunity to be employed for the summer at my future stage. This would give me the chance to explore the field and gain some experience, while still being able to study.

My skills

During my three years in the program, I discovered a lot about my strengths and skills. Illustrations, and layouts are some of my greatest skills. I love print design and branding, creating an identity and a lot of print elements respecting a brand are very inspiring to me. Some of my favourite classes were the Illustration classes, Branding & Design Studio. My style is very feminine and delicate. I like to include my illustrations in my projects to personalize them and make sure they reflect my style. Hopefully, I will be able to incorporate these skills and elements in my future career.

La Cerise Business Card: Branding

The future and my goals

I am looking to get into marketing at Université du Québec à Montréal in the Fall 2019 semester. I would love to work in marketing/publicity in the future while still exploiting my creativity and skills as a graphic designer. For my stage, working in this environment would be interesting to me because I would be able to get a sneak peak of what is to come after my studies and what could, hopefully be my summer job.

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