Stephanie Loiseau: Where can a creative mind take me?

Self portrait illustartion
Self portrait
© Stephanie Loiseau 2018

The Beginning

I decided to go into the Graphic and Web design program at John Abbott college because being creative has always been something I enjoyed. When I was younger I liked to draw often even if I wasn’t Picasso it was cool to let my imagination run wild. Now that i’m older I don’t have as much time to draw but I still find myself being creative whenever i have the time. Taking pictures and editing them in aesthetically pleasing ways is something enjoy doing. I like Drawing, both traditionally and digitally when I have the time. I love listening to music and appreciate everything artistic about it from the album art, music videos, photo-shoots and merchandise/ logos… etc.

The present

Currently I’m in my final semester of the Graphic and Web Design program and that means the time to go on stage is quickly approaching. With that in mind I can’t say that I have an exact idea of where I would like to go for stage. My biggest hope is to end up somewhere were I can really put the stuff I learned in the past three years to good use. I hope that I won’t end up filling in some excel sheets all day. Ideally I would be interested in doing some illustrating, photo editing, video editing and pretty much anything involving the creative side of graphic and web design. Although these are my preferences I wouldn’t mind dabbling in more technical stuff like web. It might be a good opportunity to polish my skills and learn more about the field of work.

The Future

Once I successfully graduate from John Abbott college I hope to find a full time job in my field. I want to jump right into the work force and start gaining experience with the idea to find a job that would best suit me. After a few years I may go back to school to further enhance my skills. If I don’t go to school, I will most likely stick to a career path that I enjoy and that works for me. I must say it is kind of scary to me not really knowing exactly where I’l end up in the future. However it is also very exciting and I cant wait to see whats in store for me!

loiseau designs logo
Personal logo design
©Stephanie Loiseau 2018

Check out my online portfolio: http://students.

Author: Stephanie Loiseau

I was born in Laval, Quebec on December 12th 1996 (along side my twin sister) however I've lived in Ontario for the majority of my life. I attended school in french up until 2016 when I enrolled at John Abbott college in Graphic and Web design with hopes to be a graduate this year (2019). I'm bilingual: French and English.

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