Jessica Montreuil-Passion Always Wins

Illustration of three men in suits with plants as heads.

“People grow through experience if they meet life honestly and courageously. This is how character is built. ” –Eleanor Roosevelt

When I was little, people would ask me what I wanted to be when grew up. Most of the time, I would say something unrealistic, like a princess, and other times I would say that I did not know. It had never been a problem because growing up was so far away. Once I reached high school, the question became more significant but still unanswered. Although I was unable to decide, I knew my passions and skills which drove me to apply in Graphic and Web Design at John Abbott College.

During my years studying in this program, I have explored many sub-divisions, but only one answered the abiding question; what do you want to be when you grow up? It finally became clear to me that I was going to pursue a career in Illustration.

So, why Illustration?

Art has always been a passion of mine. During my free time, I’d rather work on a new piece than watch the latest Netflix series. I am most comfortable drawing with graphite pencils, although I still enjoy using other mediums such as; colour pencils, pastels, charcoal and acrylic and watercolour paint. At the start, all my pieces remained on a physical artboard, but when I started in Graphic and Web Design I discovered I could digitalize my work. What a game changer. From then on, I began to merge what I learned in that program with what I had been doing since day one. Nowadays, when I create a piece, whether digital or non-digital, I consider not only what medium to use but also what design principals to incorporate.

What’s next?

As Graphic and Web Design nears the end, I needed to make a short term plan of what I want to do and where I want to be. Currently, I am looking for an internship that will help me excel in illustration and design. Residing in Vaudreuil, I am willing to travel to the West-Island and even Montreal. I enjoy interacting with others, meeting new people, creating new partnerships and learning new things. I believe that my design and illustrative abilities, as well as my distinctions, will create many products of immeasurable quality.

As for the upcoming summer, I would love to work part-time with the company I have interned with. As for my free time, I will be doing freelance work. In September, I will go back to school to complete a DEC in Illustration at Dawson College. During that time, I will be freelancing part-time in order to gain experience, build my clientele and enhance my reputation. Although I do not know where this journey will take me, this short term plan filled with opportunities will get me exactly where I want to be.

I am a flourishing illustrator and graphic artist that is ready for anything that comes my way. I know that emerging into the competitive world of graphic designers and illustrators will be difficult, but my skills and distinctions—and more importantly—passion, will drive me to success because after all passion always wins.

Author: Jessica Montreuil

Jess Montreuil is a young designer and illustrator fueled by coffee and old school rap. Her passion is art and anything else related to art. Fresh out of school, she has completed three years in Graphic and Web Design at John Abbott College. Sociable, professional and conscientious she is now freelancing in the Montreal region. Contact her if you need some unique graphics ✌️

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